julia shevelova



Julia Shevelova is a British and Polish actor, theatre and filmmaker. Julia directed and performed in “Nobody Knows Me”, her graduation show at Rose Buford College in 2016. the show was an investigation into the body of a performer as a scenographic element in relation to the structure of memory.

After her graduating, Julia joined an ensemble and went on tour to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, presenting the show “Beach Party”.

Her versality spans across theatre, film and installation In 2019, Julia co-created and produced the show “You” with Holly Delefortrie, performed at Etcetera Theatre, as a part of the Camden Fringe Festival. The same year, she began her Masters in Film Production at the National Film School in Lodz, Poland.

During the lockdowns, Julia continued to explore her creative boundaries through short films and documentary about mental health.

Through the lens of of her camera, Julia explores profound visions, emotions and thoughts. After her documentary film “Mental Health During Pandemic” and the short film “Women’s Wings” , she landed supportive roles in two TV productions- “One Life” in 2023 and “Scoop” in 2024.

Julia, a visionary theatre and filmmaker is passionate about storytelling. She invites fellow artists to dive into a world of creativity and innovation, creating magic together.

stagecraft and vision: an actor’s path to directing



Sadler’s Wells Theatre
Role- Jacie
Directed by Akosua Boakye


A doll’s house

The Drill Hall
Role- Nora
Directed by Linda Miller


the dispossessed

Etcetera Theatre
Role- Leyla
Directed by Dan Burgess


live at the hive

Barn Theatre
Role- Defender
Directed by Joyce Henderson


et in arcadia ego

Barn Theatre
Role- Refugee
Directed by Andrzej Welminski


beach party

Summerhall, Edinburgh
Role- Old Lady


nobody knows me

Barn Theatre
Role- Julia
Directed by Julia Shevelova


three winters

Studio Works
Role- Rose
Directed by Laurence Mitchell



Etcetera Theatre
Role-Julia; Directed by
Julia Shevelova, Holly Delefortrie

julia shevelova

stage and spotlight chronicles

live at the hive

Director Joyce Henderson
Barn Theatre

nobody knows me

Director Julia Shevelova
Barn Theatre

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Director Julia Shevelova
Etcetera Theatre

behind the lens: directing for theatre and film


nobody knows me

A devised physical piece that uses various multimedia elements to explore the body, memories and more. The piece invites the audience to reflect on their own personal experiences.



A multimedia theatre piece that delves into the preconceived expectations, social anxieties, and romantic ideals associated with approaching the age of 30 .


lost anf found

A three minute comedy long shot that chronicles the last 24 hours of Jacob’s life before his fiance arrives from Paris. It humorously captures the chaos and surprises that occur.


mental health during pandemic​

A documentary that discusses the struggles of mental health for both males and females in the fast- paced environment of London, UK, and the impact of the lockdowns.


untouched love

A short investigative documentary, that highlights various people’s stories in the background, while focusing on a couple struggling with relationship challenges during lockdown.


women’s wings

An experimental poetry video exploring the heterosexual pleasure gap. The portraits of women showcase their beauty, power, fragility, determination and strengh.


An engaging, multimedia theatre piece that delves into the preconceived expectations, social anxieties, and romantic ideals associated with approaching the age of 30. It addresses perceptions of time, ageing, body image, and personal identity, The filmed projections focus on themes such as time, ageing, body image, and the dichotomy of masculinity and femininity from both female and male perspective.

Director: Julia Shevelova, Holly Delefortrie
Producer: Julia Shevelova
Videography: Leoni Amandin, Rebeca Oberg
Lighting Design: Simon Chorley
Film Credits: Safi Andrews, Alex MacLeod, Aiden Berry, Julian Annet-Short